With well over 500 million registered users, Twitter is now one of the ten most visited websites. Looking simply at these two facts, we can surely claim that this is one of the biggest traffic sources out there and solid way to keep in touch with your friends and followers. So what do we need to do in order to gain more traffic from Twitter ?
1. Add Your URL to your Twitter profile and customize your background.
Write a few words about yourself or your website and then with a link in the description and give a custom look to your background. Put an image related to your website – logo or else. Good idea is to make a “banner background” with free offer and clear instructions how to get it.
2. Tweet any updates to your website
Your followers need to know when your website has new content on it, so tweet content to your website. Avoid “tweeting” same post over and over again.
3. Find people in your niche and follow them.
Find and follow people related to your niche – with Twitter search bar or directly from their personal blog. There is a good chance, that they will follow back.
4. Include #hashtags.
Hashtags are powerful way to interact with your followers. You can start one or participate in popular ones. More about hashtags here – Using Hashtags On Twitter.
Do you use other ways of increasing traffic from Twitter? Share your experience with Twitter and post a comment below.